Revolutionary, free, self-hosted multitool for prompt management within your product.

What's inside

Revolutionize Your Business with new Gateway to AI Success

Seamlessly integrate and manage external AI tools, streamline workflows, and optimize performance. Experience the future of AI management and propel your business forward.


No-Code Prompt Management

Effortlessly manage and customize your prompts without writing a single line of code.


Custom Pricing Rules for Operational Predictability

Tailor pricing based on API usage, execution time, and request volume to ensure cost control and operational predictability.


Own Your AI Journey with

Unleash the power of with your own custom AI model. Validate prompt generation results with full ownership and control.


Take Control of Your Data

Easily manage and secure your data with our self-hosted solution and hassle-free installation process.

  • Tick Effortless Self-Hosting
  • Tick Seamless Data Export and Import
  • Tick Flexible Integration Capabilities

Connect to Any AI Tool

Define and connect to any AI tool of your choice through our flexible API and UI, allowing you to harness the full potential of diverse AI capabilities.

  • Tick Secure Authentication and REST API Execution
  • Tick Customize Returned Objects to Fit Your Internal API
  • Tick Organize AI Tools by Models, Proxy Parameters, and More

Capture Feedbacks with Sentiment Analysis

Create custom, visually appealing embedded elements to gather feedback from your users, complete with built-in sentiment analysis and generation results validation AI models.

  • Tick Sentiment Analysis for Actionable Feedback Insights
  • Tick Customizable Feedback Component for your Website
  • Tick Train OWN Validation AI Models to Align with Your Goals

Unlock the Power of AI in Store

Empower your solution by easily discovering and attaching prompt libraries and connectors to various AI services.

  • Tick Huge set of available prompts libraries
  • Tick Predefined AI connectors to the most popular services
  • Tick Ready-made pricing rules

A/B Testing for Prompt Versions

Create and experiment with multiple prompt versions to discover the most effective and impactful results through comprehensive A/B testing.

  • Tick AI Connectors Versioning for Integration Flexibility
  • Tick Prompts Versioning for Iterative Improvement
  • Tick Advanced Analytics for Comparative Result Analysis

Enterprise-Level Setup

Power your enterprise with robust capabilities. Our solution is built to handle high request volumes, providing advanced features like throttling, queuing, and seamless integration with your existing infrastructure for a tailored and scalable setup.

  • Tick Scalable Cluster Mode for High-Volume Generations
  • Tick Efficient Async Processing and Remote Logs Storage
  • Tick Seamless SSO and SAML for Simplified Access
  • Tick Streamlined Data Import for Hassle-Free Integration
  • Tick Comprehensive Advanced Support for Smooth Operations

Stories from our customers

Discover How Our Customers Achieved Success with

Simple & Affordable Pricing.

Our plans are designed to meet the requirements of both beginners and players. Get the right plan that suits you.


Limited features



Limited features


Self Hosted

Unlimited Lifetime


Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions?
Contact us is a versatile and all-encompassing solution that empowers you to effortlessly manage AI tools, free from the constraints of any particular AI platform. With its intuitive no-code approach, offers endless possibilities for tailoring and adapting to your unique business objectives.

Installation options are flexible. You can easily deploy the Docker Image with everything included or configure a custom build tailored to your specific setup, including your database and broker.

Rest assured that your data remains yours. With the self-hosted version, you have complete ownership and can comply with GDPR, SOC, or CCPA regulations. Additionally, sensitive data such as API credentials are encrypted with unique keys.

Absolutely! Through the API, you can seamlessly integrate both remote and custom models, even if they reside within your VPC.

Yes, you have the flexibility to define custom roles with specific permissions, allowing you to effectively separate result validation from prompt management. Note that role-based access is not available in the SaaS version by default, but it can be activated upon request.

Gain valuable insights with the comprehensive dashboard, which enables you to track generation productivity and API usage. Additionally, provides a range of custom pricing rules to calculate API usage based on multiple pricing models, allowing you to monitor costs and generate separate reports for each model.

Yes, delivers optimal performance from the start. However, if you require a more robust solution for handling a high volume of generations, the enterprise package offers cluster mode with features like throttling, sequential processing, and queuing.

Support is available for all packages, and you can rely on our assistance for any inquiries. Depending on your package, different service level agreements (SLAs) and learning courses are offered to ensure a smooth onboarding experience for your team.

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πŸš€ Breaking News!

Mark your calendars and set your countdowns! The new and improved version of is landing on September 1st, 2024. Get ready to experience all the latest upgrades without any of the buffering blues! 🎈 We've been coding like caffeinated raccoons to bring you features that will make your life easier and a whole lot more fun. Stay tuned, and let’s keep the excitement brewing! β˜•οΈπŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»